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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

There Has Been A Death In The Family

 Nothing wakes your emotions quite like those words. Sadness, compassion, and somber thoughts surround all of those affected. Death has that power, and yet, nothing brings us closer than the celebration of the life lost.

 This week, my family lost an Aunt, a Mother, a Sister, and a Wife. She was my Aunt, the oldest survivor of my Mother's sisters. This weekend, my Auburn family celebrates the life of a tradition, and mourns the death of the majestic participants of our tradition.

 It's been a somber week indeed for this writer, one that floods the memory chamber with all the great times we've had together. Fishing a trout stream with my Uncle Bill, who lost his wife of 64 years this week, and taking my youngest Niece to Auburn for the first time and rolling those beautiful trees at the corner across from Toomer's Drugs. 

 At 84, my Aunt led a wonderfully long life. To say that death cheated her would not be true. The truth is my Auburn family has been cheated. I can't have compassion for a criminal that is only sorry that he got caught, and now has to pay for his deeds.

 I love Auburn, and wish I could be there for the final farewell. I am saying farewell Thursday to another family member. I love you Aunt Delphi, may God welcome you with his warm embrace.


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