Friday, August 3, 2018

Game 1 - Setting the SMART Goal!

In life there is always one key to getting what you want. Everyone talks about it, you hear it practice, in the classroom, in business, even in gaming! That is to set goals. Without goals you are a rudderless ship in the big ocean of life trying to land somewhere, no predictability, no idea of the outcomes and no clue if you are going to be prepared for what lies beyond once you get there. Don’t get me wrong, enjoy the journey to your goal and be flexible but keep your focus on achieving your goals!

Now this is not any type of rocket science or Mensa level thinking, this is just some straight great stuff that I learned and was taught along my journey. It is pretty simple too, and it is referred to as the SMART goal methodology. Simple, easy to follow. The “S” stands for specific. Make your goals as specific as possible, the more unclear, the more ambiguity and the more wiggle room you give yourself to not achieving it. The “M” is measurable, make your goals have the ability to be measured. You are going to write 10 pages, draw 50% of the drawing, get the framing done, make it measurable. The “A” is attainable. Make sure you can achieve the goal. A goal like; “I am going to Mars” when were not even sure if there is a vehicle to get their yet may not be a great goal. Start reasonable. The “R” is relevant. Make sure your goal matters, to you, your situation, where you want to be and go and that you have passion for it. Finally, the “T” and probably the most important of the five is make it time bound. Goals are not meant to be forever things, have the discipline to give yourself the appropriate amount of time, remember make it attainable but not slack.

So here we go into the 2018 Auburn Football season and here is my Game 1 SMART goal outlook. Hopefully I have a good formula and if the team can achieve the measurements we should be in a good position to achieve the goal…. WIN! Now this is the team goal, but every player should have a set of goals given an opportunity to contribute to the overall team goal. Hope you enjoyed, love all feedback and if this is a game by game graphic you would like to see I will do more.

War Eagle Y’all and much love to my Auburn Family!


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