Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Prayers 4 Players

Prayer Circle at Kansas State. photo by unknown source

Anyone who has read any blog by me knows that I refer to "Facing the Giants" quite often. It is actually what gave me the idea for the prayer group Prayers4Players.

The scenes in the movie where the older man is touching each locker, praying for the students as he goes along. I was watching that movie, and it just struck me, What if we prayed for every Auburn player every week?  

That was 2012, and everyone remembers that year. We started that year, but it did not seem like it was helping or making a difference. The bottom line is that there were some foundations laid then. Also we have to remember prayer can have eternal answers not just earthly ones.  

If anyone knows student assistants for the football team, I would love to add their names to our prayer group. As I said before, this is not about wins. It is about so much more than wins.

I wanted one more time to mention the Prayers4Players group. It is never too late to join. As with the movie, the prayers are not necessarily about wins, although it is nice when it happens. 

I know I have blogged about this topic several times, but this is something that is on my heart.   

Since I do not know any of the players personally, I, like most of the group get my information for prayer needs based on their twitter or interviews. I know our players hurt and experience joy- only they often have to do it in front of others.  I see the players respond when our group is letting them know we are praying for them. 

 Almost every time I let them know via twitter, I see them favorite it or retweet or reply with a thanks.  If you want to be a part of it, it is not too late.  I think we have something really special going on. 

You can email me at - If you don't feel you can commit to it weekly, but would still like to participate, please let me know.

If for some reason you don't hear from me, please let me know on twitter where I am @tatershell


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