Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Staff

 Hello and War Eagle everyone. I hope this finds each of you doing well, and looking forward to a wonderful season of Auburn football.

 I thought I would take the time to introduce to you our writing staff here at AUTB. A collection of Auburn fans that are willing to be ridiculed for their views, all for the glory that is Auburn, and zero pay. How is that for incentive?

 First, I would like to introduce the newest member of our staff, Kimberly Calloway. She will be helping with our coverage of Auburn sports with the unique view that we know each of you will enjoy. Kim has very little experience blogging, but we are confident you will be enjoying her work as we move forward.

 Next in line is Rick Palmedo. Rick has already brought his wonderfully talented views to our little blog since August. Crafty, yet full of color, Rick is a fine writer, with nothing but blue sky as his ceiling.

 My name is Klell Lawrence, otherwise known as Kool Bell. My niece gave me that nickname, and she is why I use it to this day. When she was very young she couldn't get a grasp on saying Uncle Klell, so she said Kool. Now you see why I use the "K" in the spelling. Once she learned that her last name was Bell, and her Mama and Daddy also shared her last name, well it only made sense to her that my last name was Bell. There you have it. Kool Bell.

 I have been an Auburn fan since I could choose which team I loved. My first trip to Auburn was an FFA affair, and I was even more enamored once I set foot on her beautiful campus. I never attended Auburn, but she has had my heart all these years.

 I have been blogging about Auburn for nearly four years now. Starting as the featured AU blogger for Phil Steele, as "Tiger Bloggin for Your Noggin". I was bothered by not being able to communicate with the readers, so I started this site. Using this space sparingly. I had the pleasure of an invitation to join Track Em Tigers as the Friday anchor, and jumped at that opportunity.  Which brings us to today.

 It is our hopes and dreams to bring you a positive, yet realistic look at Auburn sports, and to help promote Auburn University in a proper fashion.

 You are the reason we do this. You are also our only advertising. There won't be any ads sold here, nor should there be any pop ups to block. This is simply, a site for Auburn fans. Feel free to follow us on twitter at @AUTigerBloggin and on facebook.  Please comment as often as you can, and join our family.


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